Reliance Jio has introduced a new prepaid plan priced at Rs 198. This plan includes active service validity, albeit for a short period, but offers a substantial amount of data. It’s ideal for users with high short-term data needs. This move is expected to boost Jio’s average revenue per user (ARPU). Introducing a plan under Rs 200 is a strategic decision by the telecom operator. However, it’s not the cheapest option available—the Rs 189 plan holds that title. Besides the Rs 198 plan, users can also opt for the Rs 199 plan, which comes with a slightly longer validity period. Let’s explore the details.
Reliance Jio Rs 198 Plan Details
The Rs 198 prepaid plan from Reliance Jio offers 14 days of service validity. It includes unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS per day, and 2GB of daily data. Additionally, users get access to JioTV, JioCinema, and JioCloud. This plan is now available for recharge across India.
For those seeking a bit more, the Rs 199 plan provides 18 days of service validity, with 1.5GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS per day. This plan also bundles JioCinema, JioTV, and JioCloud apps.
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Reliance Jio New Value Plan Details
Another budget-friendly option under Rs 200 is the Rs 189 plan, which is currently the most affordable service validity plan offered by Jio. It includes 2GB of data, unlimited voice calling, and 300 SMS, with a service validity of 28 days. The Jio apps are included in this plan as well.
Moreover, all these plans come with the added advantage of unlimited 5G access, making the Rs 189 plan the cheapest service validity plan in the country that offers this feature.