Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio, two of India’s top telecom operators, recently announced that their 5G services will only be available with plans offering 2GB of daily data or more, making 5G plans more expensive. Jio has now introduced a new prepaid plan with 2GB of daily data, and it’s essential to be aware of the most affordable 5G plans from Airtel and Jio available nationwide. Currently, neither Jio nor Airtel have imposed a limit on the amount of 5G data a consumer can use. Let’s take a look at the available plans.
Bharti Airtel’s Cheapest 5G Plan
Airtel’s most affordable 5G plan is priced at Rs 379. It includes unlimited 5G data, unlimited voice calling, 100 SMS per day, and 2GB of daily data. The plan is valid for one month, meaning the expiration date is exactly one month from the date of recharge.
Reliance Jio’s Cheapest 5G Plan
Until recently, Jio’s cheapest 5G plan was priced at Rs 349. However, Jio has now introduced a new plan for just Rs 198. This sub-Rs 200 plan offers unlimited 5G data, with 2GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS per day. Keep in mind that this plan has a shorter service validity of 14 days. In addition to the unlimited 5G data, users also get access to Jio apps as part of the plan.