Reliance Jio is offering its Rs 3,599 prepaid plan for free with the AirFiber connection. AirFiber, Jio’s 5G Fixed-Wireless Access (FWA) service, serves as an alternative to traditional fiber connections. Currently, users who get an AirFiber connection can potentially receive the Rs 3,599 annual prepaid plan at no extra cost. AirFiber can be booked for just Rs 50 at the moment.
Additionally, Jio is running a Freedom Offer with a 30% discount on the 3-month AirFiber plan, bringing the cost down to Rs 2,121, with no installation charges. This plan includes OTT benefits and 30 Mbps speed.
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The Rs 3,599 prepaid plan includes unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS per day, 2.5GB of daily data, and access to JioTV, JioCinema, and JioCloud. Users also enjoy unlimited 5G data. Note that while Jio is promoting this offer, details on the exact terms and conditions are not fully disclosed, and securing the Rs 3,599 plan is not guaranteed with every new AirFiber connection purchase.