Indus Towers shares extended their winning streak for the fourth consecutive session on Friday, defying market caution surrounding the RBI’s MPC decision. At the time of writing, the stock was trading up 0.19% at ₹364.2 per share, reflecting a gain of ₹0.7. Over the past four trading sessions, Indus Towers has surged by 8%, marking a remarkable 106% increase from its 52-week low.
About Indus Towers
Indus Towers Limited is an Indian telecom infrastructure provider that deploys, owns, and manages telecom towers and communication structures for various mobile operators. The company’s offerings include tower, power, and space solutions, as well as smart city infrastructure, a tower operations center, and green technology initiatives. Indus Towers provides the passive physical infrastructure required to house active equipment such as base transceiver stations, transmission links, and microwave antennas. Its towers range from traditional lattice structures, like ground-based and rooftop towers, to aesthetically designed options such as lightweight hybrid poles, monopoles, and camouflaged towers that blend with the surroundings. These towers are powered by grid-sourced electricity or diesel generators, and the company secures space from residential and commercial property owners to deploy its infrastructure. Currently, Indus Towers owns and operates over 198,284 towers with 347,879 co-locations, supporting the growing needs of the telecommunications industry.