Google’s Nuvem Subsea Cable to Enhance Internet Infrastructure, Linking US, Bermuda, and Portugal 

Google is expanding its internet infrastructure by introducing a new subsea cable system called “Nuvem.” This cable adds to Google’s extensive investments in undersea cables, which have included collaborations with other companies such as Unity and Curie. In 2019, Google embarked on its first wholly private subsea cable project with Curie, connecting California to Chile. Additionally, Google introduced the Dunant transatlantic cable in 2021, linking Virginia and France, as well as the Equiano cable connecting Portugal to Africa in September 2022. 

The Nuvem cable is set to become operational in 2026, featuring touchpoints in South Carolina, Bermuda, and Portugal. Google is the exclusive financier of this new cable. The choice of the name “Nuvem,” which means “cloud” in Portuguese, reflects the critical role subsea cabling plays in Google’s vast array of services, from enterprise cloud computing to consumer video streaming, all of which require swift data transfers for a seamless user experience. Google continues to expand its network of data centers to facilitate data storage and processing in proximity to end-users. Other major tech companies, including Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon, have also made substantial investments in internet infrastructure projects, collectively accounting for a significant portion of undersea bandwidth. 

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Successful 5G Communications Test at High Altitude by Japanese Researchers
5G/6G Worldwide Innovation

Successful 5G Communications Test at High Altitude by Japanese Researchers

On May 28, Japanese researchers announced a successful test of 5G communications equipment in the 38 gigahertz band from an altitude of 4 kilometers. This experiment was focused on developing an aerial relay backhaul using millimeter-wave band links between ground stations and a simulated High-Altitude Platform Station (HAPS), a radio station aboard an uncrewed aircraft […]

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5G Balloons Tested Successfully, 5G Drones Project Trial to be Initiated Soon
Worldwide Innovation

5G Balloons Tested Successfully, 5G Drones Project Trial to be Initiated Soon

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has successfully conducted a trial to provide 5G connectivity using balloons, aiming to enhance communication during disasters or emergencies. This innovative approach leverages high-altitude balloons to establish a stable and wide-reaching 5G network, ensuring uninterrupted communication when ground-based infrastructure is compromised.  Following this successful trial, the DoT is planning to […]

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DTW 2024 Copenhagen Key Topics and Anticipations
Worldwide Innovation

DTW 2024 Copenhagen: Key Topics and Anticipations

At last year’s Digital Transformation World (DTW) Copenhagen, TM Forum President and CEO Nik Willetts highlighted the telecom industry’s “crisis point,” noting stagnant revenues and halted progress in the very revolution it initiated. However, Willetts suggested that partnerships with hyperscalers could drive industry growth. Since then, significant changes have occurred, especially with the rise of […]

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