Day: March 16, 2024

Telecom Industry

Qualcomm Chennai Design Center Launched on 14th March

American chipmaker Qualcomm on 14th March inaugurated its Chennai Design Center which has been built with an investment of Rs. 177.27 crore and will specialize in wireless connectivity solutions, with a focus on innovations that complement Wi-Fi technologies.  The company said that the center would actively contribute to Qualcomm’s global Research and Development endeavors in […]

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FCC Broadband Speed Standard Updated in USA | US Broadband Speed

The FCC redefined what constitutes a broadband connection in the United States, shifting the benchmark from a download speed of 25Mbps and an upload speed of 3Mbps to a new standard. This update, announced on March 15th in a document published by FCC News titled “FCC Increases Broadband Speed Benchmark,” signifies a significant change after […]

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Worldwide Innovation

Corteca Developer Toolkit Launced by Nokia For Advanced Home Broadband Applications

Nokia has launched the Corteca Developer Toolkit, an open-source software package aimed at empowering developers to create applications that enhance broadband offerings within homes for service providers. This toolkit is designed to simplify the development process, thereby reducing the time and costs associated with creating new applications for the Corteca Marketplace.  As service providers increasingly […]

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